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This week's
TLC Arts & Skills
video feature is:

Painting with Nicole

Emblems of Passion

Paint Class
TLC Arts and Skills - Jesus Washed Their Feet by Joan Lawlor

TLC Arts and Skills - Jesus Washed Their Feet by Joan Lawlor

The Lakeside Church Toronto Credits to the original artist - Yongsung Kim Thank you John for praying for us! Jesus Washed their Feet Devotional from Dave Reid of Growing Christian Ministries John 13:14-15 - Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another's feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. Believe it or not, one of the gifts of love that Christians should give one another is “foot-washing.” It's not hard to give a nicely wrapped gift to a friend on a special occasion, but “washing feet” all year long is a gift that's hard to give. It takes time, care, and selflessness. But the Lord Jesus didn't give us an ordinary gift - He gave His whole life to the task of washing others! And He said that we are to follow His example! Jesus washing the disciples' feet is found in John 13:1-7. It happened on the night before the crucifixion - the very night of His betrayal (v2). Although the Lord was well aware of all the suffering that lay before Him (v1, 3), He spent this last evening serving. Although He was looking beyond the cross with great anticipation to a joyful reunion with the Father (vs1, 3), He was concerned (as always) about meeting the needs of others around Him. Although He knew that all things were “given into His hand,” the Lord of all things used those hands to serve the disciples who would soon desert Him! No wonder the Scripture says that “He loved them to the end” (v1). This great love was demonstrated in the act of washing their feet. What is the teaching of foot-washing? 1. Serving one another in love - humbly minister to another person's needs. 2. Applying the Word to one another - We keep each other clean by constant fellowship together over the Word of God. You wouldn't believe the amount of dirt that comes off our feet just by participating in Bible studies - by studying God's Word regularly with other Christians! Sometimes this happens without our planning it or even realizing it - in a group study or in a casual conversation. 3. Humbly - we must be extremely careful when we speak to another believers. Our Lord Jesus told us to be sure to take the log out of our own eye before we try to take the splinter out of our brother's eye, or we won't be able to see clearly (Matthew 7:3-5). It's all too easy to "preach the Word" about the dirt on our brother's feet - and not even notice the dirt that’s coating our own feet! 4. Thoughtfully - foot-washing is not fault-finding, nor is it judging of motives. And it’s not infringing on a fellow-believer's Christian liberty! After making sure the "log" is out of our own eye, and checking the state of our own feet, we may quietly share Scripture with them. 5. Lovingly - Sharing the Word of God in foot-washing must always be done gently, in humility and in love, if we are to follow our Lord's example. 6. Mutually - Remember also that washing one another's feet is mutual. We must be willing to submit the dirt on our feet to washing by other believers! Let us Pray
Copy of TLC Arts & Skills - Diamond Painting

Copy of TLC Arts & Skills - Diamond Painting

Introduction to Diamond Painting by Joan Lawlor The Big Picture by Nina Keegan Have you ever tried to put together one of those giant jigsaw puzzles that has at least a thousand pieces? At first glance into the large box of tiny freeform pieces, it's hard to imagine they will form a picture. One tiny random piece doesn't look like much of anything on its own; but once you start putting them together, the formation of a beautiful picture begins to take shape. If even one piece is missing, the puzzle will be incomplete. Puzzles are like life sometimes; except for one major difference, we get to see the end results of the puzzle before we begin the long toil of assembling it. The full picture of the completed puzzle is always on the box-top. We already know how it will turn out and we are not the least bit surprised by its ending. Even though one piece on its own does not look like much of anything, together with all its counterparts, a wonderful picture emerges. I declare the end from the beginning, and from long ago what is not yet done, saying: My plan will take place, and I will do all My will. (Isaiah 46:10 HCSB) God is the creator of our great puzzle called life. Each one of us has our own unique box with an amazing picture on the top, The Big Picture — the picture God carefully designed for each of us. Only God himself knows what our finished portrait will look like. He is working diligently on our behalf, tirelessly arranging all of our puzzle pieces into a wonderful order of abundant blessings on a pathway of unspeakable joy. When we are going through a tough time, we must remember that this is just one tiny piece of our puzzle, without it we would not be complete. We need all the pieces — good and bad, easy and difficult — to shape us and guide us on our uniquely individual paths. We may have to be uncomfortable for a bit. We may have to weather some unwelcome storms. But I guarantee you those times of difficulty are never wasted. We learn through times of uncertainty. Our faith is fortified and strengthened. We learn to relinquish control and let God take the reigns. He has the bird's eye view. He has the miraculous ability to look down and see our entire timeline, start to finish, beginning to end and every single second in-between. He sees the whole puzzle at once. We see only the one tiny piece we seem to be stuck on right now. He sees exactly where that piece belongs. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. (Ephesians 2:10 ESV) This Scripture tells us we were created for good works that God has already prepared for us ahead of time. So no matter where we seem to be or what issues we may be facing, they will be used for good because God has already gone before us and prepared the way. He sent His beloved son to pay the price in advance for everything we could ever need. We must put our focus and trust in Him. Our trials build faith in our wonderfully omniscient God. If we knew what God knows, we would never change a thing. We would see the magnitude of impossibilities we could never face without God going before us to clear the way and secure our footing. Enjoy your life piece by piece. Do not worry about tomorrow today. Let God be God! Run to win that which has already been won for you. No matter what things may look like, a new piece of the puzzle is coming. God is already searching in the box for the perfect piece with the answer you have been praying for. God always sees The Big Picture.
TLC Arts - Painting a Lighthouse

TLC Arts - Painting a Lighthouse

Painting with Joan Lawlor Devotional Nicole Bennett Prayer John Lawlor In him was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it. John 1:4-5 The Naval Institute's magazine carried the story of a battleship captain who was concerned about rough seas and fog when, quite suddenly, a bright light appeared on the horizon. The captain immediately had the signalman send the message, "Change course immediately!" But back came the reply, "It is you who must change course!" Irritated that a battleship should give way to a lesser vessel, the captain ordered that the message be sent, "I am a battleship!" And back came the reply, "I am the lighthouse!" The captain changed course. Long ago Jesus said simply, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life" (John 8:12). Many an individual cruising through life as a battleship, expecting others to get out of his way, has encountered the light, Jesus Christ, and seeing that the vessel of their life was headed towards the rocks, changed course and direction. Are you one of them? Wise is the person who recognizes the message, "I am the lighthouse." Lighthouses around the world today are few and far between. They have been replaced by satellite technology and electronic devices that let navigators know where the rocks and the other vessels are; nonetheless, the picture of the lighthouse with its beam piercing the darkness is still an image that brings comfort and help. Some things never change. The light that Jesus Christ brought into the world is one of them. There is light in a dark world, and that light makes the difference. Don't settle for anything short of "the true light that gives light to every man..." (John 1:9). Credits to Serenity Arts Background music not ours.
Moonlight over the ocean

Moonlight over the ocean

Our devotional today comes from Faith Gateway,com and is titled "Shine On". It was written by Louis Giglio: Try to shine as lights among the people of this world, as you hold firmly to the message that gives life.— Philippians 2:1516 CEV There’s a lot of talk about moonlight and how it lights up the night. But, actually, there’s no such thing as moonlight. The Moon doesn’t really shine at all; rather, when it’s in just the right place, the Moon reflects the Sun’s light. The Sun is the real star of the show (no pun intended)! The Sun gives off light, which means it’s luminous. But the Moon is illuminated, which means it’s lit up by reflecting the Sun’s light. On July 21, 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first man ever to walk on the Moon. He was part of NASA’s Apollo 11 space mission. He stepped out of his spacecraft, the Eagle, and said, “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” And because the Moon has no wind, his footprints are still there! People are a lot like the Moon. What? You mean round and spacey? Not quite. But just as the Sun’s light reflects into the darkness when the Moon is in just the right place, God’s light also reflects into this world’s sin-filled darkness when you are in the right place. Being in the right place means following Jesus. When you follow Jesus, you reflect His light — His love, goodness, grace, kindness, and power — into the lives of those around you. You shine simply by staying close to Him, the Light of the World! But how? It’s not difficult to do, although it does take practice. Study His Word, the Bible. Listen to those who teach about Him. And talk to Him in prayer every day. Your prayers don’t have to be fancy, long, or eloquent. Say “thank you” when you see one of God’s gifts. Tell Him that you love Him. Or simply whisper, “I don’t know what to do, Lord. Help me.” When you do this, you shine Jesus into the world. Dear God, help me stay close to You, so Your light always shines on me. And help me reflect Your light into the world. In Jesus's name, Amen.
TLC Arts and Skills:  Seasons

TLC Arts and Skills: Seasons

Painting inspired by: J. Camtu Devotional by: Devotions by Chris Seasons Change One of the things I’ve learned about life is that it’s full of seasons. There are seasons of plenty, dry seasons, seasons of doubt, seasons of pain, seasons of just enough, seasons of recovery, etc. There’s no rhyme or reason as to when they show up or how long they’ll last, but one thing is certain, they do pass. The worst seasons seem like they’ll never end and the good seasons seem to go by too fast. I believe that God will give us what we need for each season, and that each season is a time of preparation. If God uses seasons to prepare us, then I believe that you can be fruitful no matter what the season is in your life. You can glean from each season of your life things that will grow you and produce fruit for the future. You may be looking at your life right now and see a desert wasteland, but Isaiah 43:19 says that God is about to do something new. He’ll make rivers in the desert so that you can produce fruit and grow. No matter how dark life gets or how abundant your blessings are, God has a design and a purpose to grow you through this season. Here are some Bible verses on different seasons of life. 1. He will be standing firm like a flourishing tree planted by God’s design, deeply rooted by the brooks of bliss, bearing fruit in every season of his life. He is never dry, never fainting, ever blessed, ever prosperous. Psalms 1:3 TPT 2. Be cheerful with joyous celebration in every season of life. Let joy overflow, for you are united with the Anointed One! Philippians 4:4 TPT 3. And don’t allow yourselves to be weary or disheartened in planting good seeds, for the season of reaping the wonderful harvest you’ve planted is coming! Galatians 6:9 TPT 4. But I keep calling out to you, Yahweh! I know you will bend down to listen to me, for now is the season of favor. Because of your faithful love for me, your answer to my prayer will be my sure salvation. Psalms 69:13 TPT 5. You’ve so graciously provided for my essential needs during this season of difficulty. Philippians 4:14 TPT
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Arts & Skills
Waterfalls - TLC Arts

Waterfalls - TLC Arts

The Lakeside Church - Toronto TLC Arts Thank You for Watching! Devotion in Action website. Deep calls to deep at the roar of your waterfalls; all your breakers and your waves have gone over me. By day the Lord commands his steadfast love, and at night his song is with me, a prayer to the God of my life. Psalm 42:7-8 (ESV) For most of us these past few weeks have been challenging. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed, and possibly depressed day after day. But let’s see what Psalm 42:5 says: “Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God, for I shall again praise him, my salvation and my God.” Our problems are real, yet there are other people who are facing even more difficulties and tragedies. Do we have a right to wallow in self-pity with such a great God? Let verse 7 and 8 be a balm for your spirit. God hears the cry of your heart. Deep inside your soul, in your innermost parts, You are seeking His comfort without even thinking. Deep calls to deep… Waves and waterfalls of God’s love come crashing over you. Refreshing you. Restoring you. Lifting up your downcast soul. “By day the Lord commands his steadfast love, and at night his song is with me,” He is right there. His love is washing over you if you will only turn to Him. Hope in the form of an almighty God. Hope in the form of God who calls Himself Love. An infinite God yields an infinite love. Like Niagara Falls, roaring, breath-taking waves of love that can wash away our worries and the weight of our troubles if we will only turn to Him in the midst of our struggles. Over 3,160 tons of water flows over Niagara Falls every single second. That is a staggering amount. Those hundreds of thousands of mind-boggling gallons of water are still nothing compared to the infinite love of our God. That is where our hope belongs. Let this painting of a waterfall remind you throughout the day that in the midst of trouble, our God is a constant flowing source of love and hope, more than able to encompass all our difficulties if we will just turn to Him. Let’s pray: God, we all have struggles and problems. Help us in our difficulties to turn to You rather than try to carry it on our own. Help us to feel the flood of your love and let go of our worries. Help us to trust you and place our hope in you. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Learn the basics of acrylic painting with step by step instructions. View videos and follow along.

Learn easy crafts with Christine Bertrand-Clarke. View videos and learn to make decor or gifts.

Want to learn how to change  car tires, brakes or motor oil on your own? TLC men's ministry shows you how

Enjoy a series of entertaining and educational programs, including cooking and other skills. View videos.

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