A Sight to See
The Epitome of Innovation
The Lakeside Church
Gather together. Grow in faith. Go into the world.
The Lakeside Church is a place where all people are welcomed, valued and loved. Our focus is on being a family church that reaches out to the lost and hurting in our community, our nation and the world with the love of Christ. Join us on Sundays at 10:30 am in-person at 4350 Lawrence Ave East, Scarborough SDA Church Building, or join our livestream on our YouTube page.
There are many opportunities to plug into community at TLC. We look forward to seeing you!
Calling TLC graduates of 2024!
Participate in our June 30th graduation service.
There is a lot happening at The Lakeside Church! Check out these announcements and be in the know. We look forward to seeing you! If you have any questions regarding access to events or group meetings, email us at info@thelakesidechurch.ca.
A Christian’s life should be living proof of their connection to the Father. In the book of 1 John, the Apostle John walks through several aspects of the Christian life, revealing where the evidence lies for each. Do you know God? Do you truly love your neighbour? Do you believe that Jesus is the only way? The answer and proof to these questions is evidenced in our lives. We can say it with our mouths, but the evidence is in our actions.
Join us as we journey through this incredible book over the next 2 months. We meet on Sundays at 10:30 am in-person or online on YouTube or our website. Did you miss Sunday's service? Click here to watch the recording.
Power to Change Digital Strategies is our missions project for May. Over half the world is online. That's over four billion people. And they’re turning to the Internet for answers, for some kind of hope. They’re looking for people who understand and can offer love and support. So Digital Strategies helps them know Jesus. They start by telling compelling stories that get right at the need people are experiencing. Then they encourage people to talk to an online mentor. Digital Strategies equips and mobilizes over 1,000 online mentors to walk with people throughout their spiritual journey toward Jesus, both online and in person, and also partners with churches and ministries to do the same. Because the world is online, that’s where Digital Strategies is too. They’re helping people know Jesus, one conversation at a time. Give now to support the evangelism work that Power to Change is doing.
The Lakeside Church is a community of believers devoted to the Word of God and empowered by the Holy Spirit to love and build up one another, and to reach people with the life-giving Gospel of Jesus Christ.
We gather together to worship Jesus as Lord and Saviour. We are motivated to grow in faith and encourage one other to use our gifts for God’s purposes. We are equipped to go and share the good news of freedom, hope and new life in Jesus Christ with our community, country and the world.
No matter what stage of life you are in, or what season you are currently experiencing, TLC has a relevant ministry to support you in your life's journey. We have age-related ministries, activity-based ministries, ministries to mark important milestones, ministries to offer you spiritual and emotional support, and ministries to help build up your faith in Christ Jesus.
"Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble." Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 NLT
The Lakeside Church is a missions-minded church. We partner with local, national and international organizations in their missions to go and share the good news of freedom, hope and new life in Jesus Christ with our world. We give so they can go.
We also support the 340 million Christians worldwide who face high levels of persecution and discrimination for their faith in Jesus.
This year, TLC will partner with 12 organizations that do missions work locally and internationally. We will highlight one organization per month and come alongside them as they tangibly spread the love of Jesus to a hurting and needy world.
Please click here to support these worthy causes.
Amazingly, the 340 million persecuted believers around the world don’t look to us to end their struggle. Instead, these courageous men and women ask for just two things: Scripture resources and prayers.
Please click here to see how you can help to support them.
Read Pastor Brian's obituary.
Watch part 1 of the Funeral Service.
Watch part 2 of the Funeral Service.
Share your memories of Pastor Brian.
Read the tributes to Pastor Brian.